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New movie shows Cassini's first dive over Saturn

A new movie sequence of images from NASA's Cassini spacecraft shows the view as the spacecraft swooped over Saturn during the first of its Grand Finale dives between the planet and its rings on April 26.

Neural nets model audience reactions to movies

Disney Research used deep learning methods to develop a new means of assessing complex audience reactions to movies via facial expressions and demonstrated that the new technique outperformed conventional methods.

The Ultimate Home Cinematic 21:9 Viewing Experience

( -- Imagine yourself, watching true Cinema 21:9 LCD TV in the privacy of your own home! Philips is the first to come out with Cinema 21:9, as other manufactures are sure to follow in their footsteps. But Philips ...

US director makes first smartphone movie

An independent US filmmaker has made what is believed to be the first feature-length movie shot with a smartphone, to be released next week -- with actress Gena Rowlands in the starring role.

Audio Watermarking Technique Could Locate Movie Pirates

( -- Camcorder piracy - which occurs when moviegoers bring a camcorder into a theater to record a movie from the screen - is a rapidly growing illegal activity. In the US, camcorder piracy has been illegal since ...

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