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How COVID-19 has changed what we watch and how we watch it

University of Virginia Darden School of Business professor Anthony Palomba is an expert in media management, an interdisciplinary academic discipline that examines how audiences consume media and entertainment products and ...

Do spoilers harm movie box-office revenue?

Researchers from Western University and University of Houston published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that examines whether spoiler movie reviews harm box office revenue.

Video: Flight over Korolev Crater on Mars

This movie was created using an image mosaic made from single orbit observations from the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on Mars Express, which was first published in December 2018. The mosaic combines data from the ...

Will movie theaters survive COVID-19?

The season of blockbusters is upon us, but theaters have been empty for months—and it's unclear what they'll show, or who will come, when they reopen. Derek Long focuses on the history of the film industry, in particular ...

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