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In online movie marketing, less is more

Video didn't killed the radio star, as the eponymous 1978 pop song predicted, and now, researchers have found, cross-channel discounts for online movie sales don't cannibalize online rentals of the same movie.

How unwanted CDs and DVDs could help cut carbon emissions

Now that most consumers download and stream their movies and music, more and more CDs and DVDs will end up in landfills or be recycled. But soon these discarded discs could take on a different role: curbing the release of ...

Facebook outlines plans for virtual reality

Facebook and virtual reality, at first glance, might seem like pieces of a puzzle that don't exactly fit in the social network's future.

With 'Dead Rising,' a new approach for a game adaptation

When a pair of filmmakers first approached video game publisher Capcom about crafting a live-action movie based on their popular zombie series "Dead Rising," they were asked to prove themselves in a very specific way: The ...

Neuroscientist takes scientific look at art of filmmaking

Why do so many of us cry at the movies? Why do we flinch when Rocky Balboa takes a punch, duck when the jet careens toward the tower in "Airplane," and tap our toes to the dance numbers in "Chicago" or "Moulin Rouge"?

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