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Box office boost shows 3D is here to stay

Once regarded as a quirky fad for nerds wearing cardboard spectacles, 3D films are enjoying a mainstream renaissance and this time the medium is here to stay, entertainment industry experts say.

Verizon launches TV-online movie channel

US telecom firm Verizon launched a high-definition movie channel on Friday, letting subscribers watch films on-demand on televisions or on the Internet.

How Microsoft plans to hook users on Windows 7

While the Europeans haggle over the Windows 7 browser scheme, everyone else may want to look at other creative ways Microsoft's new operating system will advance its business.

Cablevision unveils interactive banner ads on TV

(AP) -- Cablevision Systems Corp. is bringing interactive banner ads to television, allowing viewers to order samples and brochures and even purchase products by clicking the remote on their TV sets.

Site offers movie ratings with a twist

There's no shortage of Internet sites and services that rate movies. and compile critics' reviews; while lets users pick the Top 250 movies of all time. If you want to know what ...

YouTube to offer online movie rentals

YouTube is considering streaming movies for rental, a move that would see the free video-sharing site charging for content for the first time, The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday.

The little giant of storage for the big screen

The "FlashBox" onboard recorder will soon make the work of film professionals easier: Truly diminutive in size, it stores digital film on exchangeable disks without compression. German researchers will be presenting the prototype ...

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