Elon Musk's Hyperloop hype ignores practical problems

You've got to hand it to Elon Musk - he certainly dreams big. The entrepreneur loves to take on tough technical challenges and turn them into business opportunities. He revolutionized online payment services with PayPal, ...

Inventor Musk to share plans for high-speed travel (Update)

Twice as fast as an airplane, cheaper than a bullet train and completely self-powered: that's the mysterious transportation system for which inventor and entrepreneur Elon Musk is promising to reveal design plans Monday.

The next big smartphone accessory: Your car

Automobile giants at the world's biggest mobile fair are showing off a new technology that turns a car into a smartphone accessory, allowing a driver to use cutting-edge apps without veering off the road.

Toyota tests cars that communicate with each other (Update)

Toyota Motor Corp. is testing car safety systems that allow vehicles to communicate with each other and with the roads they are on in a just completed facility in Japan the size of three baseball stadiums.

Brain study: Singing mice show signs of learning

Guys who imitate Luciano Pavarotti or Justin Bieber to get the girls aren't alone. Male mice may do a similar trick, matching the pitch of other males' ultrasonic serenades. The mice also have certain brain features, somewhat ...

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