Dynamics of microtubules

Filamentous polymers called microtubules play vital roles in chromosome segregation and molecular transport. An LMU team has now examined how microtubule lengths vary in response to changes in the availability of their protein ...

Molecular motors: Chemical carousel rotates in the cold

Molecular motors, which rotate unidirectionally in response to an external energy input, constitute an important class of components for future applications in the field of nanotechnology. Molecules whose structure and spatial ...

Molecular motors: Pirouetting in the spotlight

German scientists have developed a new class of molecular motors that rotate unidirectionally at speeds of up to 1 kHz when exposed to sunlight at room temperature. This unique combination of features opens up novel applications ...

How a molecular motor moves in a network

A new study determines the efficiency of a single-molecule heat engine by considering a series of ratchets that transfer energy along a network.

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