Should AI read your college essay? It's complicated

In a new study, researchers developed a series of artificial intelligence tools that can scan through essays in college applications, picking out evidence of key personal traits. That includes qualities like leadership and ...

Learning is easier with a positive attitude, finds meta-study

Students who think positively about their own abilities and their subject are more likely to achieve the goals they have set for themselves. Conversely, a lack of confidence in one's own abilities can lead to goals being ...

Lasting environmental protection through monetary incentives

Many of the world's ecosystems are overloaded and facing tipping points. This also threatens their many services that are essential for our survival and which are usually taken for granted. These include, for example, fresh ...

How to motivate yourself to learn a language

Are you thinking about learning a language? Perhaps you've decided that it's time to dust off your classroom French. Maybe you're planning a trip to Japan and feel like you should make the effort to learn the basics, or work ...

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