Molecule regulating sperm motility discovered

About 120 million unintended pregnancies occurred each year between 2015 and 2019 worldwide. While there are oral contraceptives for women, the development of oral contraceptives for men has not been successful. Now, a team ...

Researchers discover hitchhiking bacteria

Imagine that you need to travel, but you don't have a car and you're dead broke. What do you do? Hitchhiking, of course! Leiden biologist found that certain bacteria use this very same tactic: their spores hop on motile bacteria ...

Unusual mutation causes defective sperm in boars

ETH researchers have found a gene mutation that causes the sperm of boars to immobilize. Their discovery will help pig breeders to exclude animals with this genetic defect from breeding in future.

Researchers find how cells move while avoiding adhesion

Cell velocity, or how fast a cell moves, is known to depend on how sticky the surface is beneath it, but the precise mechanisms of this relationship have remained elusive for decades. Now, researchers from the Max Delbrück ...

Frozen: Cutting-edge technology reveals structures within cells

Temperatures of -196 degrees Celsius enable high-resolution imaging of the cell's interior. Researchers at the Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria are thus able to show for the first time how the active form ...

Watch how cells squeeze through channels

Observations of cells moving through small channels shed new light on cell migration in 3-D environments, researchers report October 6 in Biophysical Journal. The findings also reveal how cancer cells may penetrate tissues ...

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