Related topics: species

Conker trees facing peril from alien invaders

( -- Conkers, a favourite playground game in British schools, could soon be just a fond memory if a serious threat to horse chestnut trees continues to spread. Now academics from the Universities of Hull and Bristol ...

How moths integrate sensory and control information

It's difficult enough to see things in the dark, but what if you also had to hover in midair while tracking a flower moving in the wind? That's the challenge the hummingbird-sized hawkmoth (Manduca sexta) must overcome while ...

American Oak Skeletonizer moth invades Europe

The North American Oak Skeletonizer, a very small moth, has invaded North West Europe since 1989, and feeds commonly on planted Northern Red Oaks in the Netherlands, Belgium and adjacent Germany. This is only the second North ...

Predators delay pest resistance to Bt crops

Crops genetically modified with the bacterium Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) produce proteins that kill pest insects. Steady exposure has prompted concern that pests will develop resistance to these proteins, making Bt plants ...

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