Related topics: species

Model predicts shifts in carbon absorption by forest canopies

An Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientist participated in a project to fine-tune computer models that can indicate when forest "carbon sinks" become net carbon generators instead. The results will help pinpoint the ...

Amphibious caterpillars discovered in Hawaii (w/ Video)

Moths of the Hawaiian genus Hyposmocoma are an oddball crowd: One of the species' caterpillars attacks and eats tree snails. Now researchers have described at least a dozen different species that live underwater for several ...

Why Female Moths are Big and Beautiful

( -- In most animal species, males and females show obvious differences in body size. But how can this be, given that both sexes share the same genes governing their growth? University of Arizona entomologists ...

Fungal fumes clear out crop pests

A cocktail of compounds emitted by the beneficial fungus Muscodor albus may offer a biologically based way to fumigate certain crops and rid them of destructive pests. That's the indication from Agricultural Research Service ...

Migrating insects fly in the fast lane

A study published today in Science, by researchers at Rothamsted Research, the Met Office, the Natural Resources Institute, and the Universities of Exeter, Greenwich and York, sheds new light on the flight behaviours that ...

Scientists 'grow' edible insects in Costa Rica

The day when restaurants will serve garlic grasshoppers or beetle larva skewers is getting closer in Costa Rica, where scientists are "growing" insects for human consumption.

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