Bacteria on old-growth trees may help forests grow

A new study by Dr. Zoe Lindo, a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Biology at McGill University, and Jonathan Whiteley, a doctoral student in the same department, shows that large, ancient trees may be very important ...

Researchers discover the secret of how moss spreads

University of Copenhagen researchers have discovered how mosses became one of our planet's most widely distributed plants—global wind systems transport them along Earth's latitudes, to rooftops, sidewalks and lawns worldwide, ...

How a flying bat sees space

Recordings from echolocating bat brains have for the first time given researchers a view into how mammals understand 3-D space.

Mystery moss rediscovered

( —A botanical puzzle more than 150 years old could soon be solved, thanks to a discovery by a second-year botany student in Queensland's far north.

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