Mosquitoes more likely to lay eggs in closely spaced habitats

Patches of standing water that are close together are more likely to be used by mosquitoes to lay eggs in than patches that are farther apart, according to a new study from the University of Georgia. The findings, recently ...

Mosquito eye inspires artificial compound lens

Anyone who's tried to swat a pesky mosquito knows how quickly the insects can evade a hand or fly swatter. The pests' compound eyes, which provide a wide field of view, are largely responsible for these lightning-fast actions. ...

How does climate change help to spread diseases?

Many vector-borne diseases are transmitted by mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are cold-blooded insects, which means that environmental conditions, in particular temperatures, regulate their metabolism, development and activity. For ...

Graphene is 3-D as well as 2-D

Graphene is actually a 3-D material as well as a 2-D material, according to a new study from Queen Mary University of London.

Transgenic mosquitoes pass on genes to native species

Transgenic mosquitoes released in Brazil in an effort to reduce the population of disease-bearing insects have successfully bred and passed on genes to the native mosquito population, a new Yale research study published Sept. ...

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