Researchers uncover viral small RNAs in mosquito cells

Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) provide a new genomics resource that details the small RNA transcriptomes (gene expression) of four bio-medically important mosquito species.

Immune and circulatory systems are integrated in insects

Biologists have found solid proof that among the insect tree of life, the relationship between the immune and circulatory systems is consistent. The discovery will help researchers understand how insects—including the relatively ...

Nutrient-rich water is heaven for disease-spreading mosquitoes

When mosquito eggs hatch in nutrient-rich water, the mosquitoes are larger and they can also fly further. That is the first conclusion of a study from by the Netherlands Center for One Health (NCOH) by PhD-student Sam Boerlijst.

Mosquitos lost an essential gene with no ill effects

University of Maryland entomologists discovered that a gene critical for survival in other insects is missing in mosquitos—the gene responsible for properly arranging the insects' segmented bodies. The researchers also ...

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