To save California's whales, put overlooked threats into policy

Whales are threatened by a variety of human activities off the West Coast of the United States, including fishing, ship traffic, and pollution. Overlap between these stressors can compound effects on whale populations, but ...

Beetles in climate change

As a result of the droughts of recent years, a pronounced tree mortality that has left clearly visible gaps in forests and parks has been observed in Germany. All climate projections indicate that such events will occur more ...

One in five fish dies from passing hydroelectric turbines

Hydroelectric turbines put fish at risk of severe injury during passage. To support an informed debate on the sustainability of hydropower, reliable data of turbine-induced fish mortality are pivotal. A team of researchers ...

Compost is a major source of pathogenic aspergillus spores

Fourteen percent of Aspergillus fumigatus isolates cultured from garden soils were resistant to an agricultural triazole antifungal drug, tebuconazole. Tebuconazole resistance confers resistance to medical triazoles that ...

Low upward mobility linked to early mortality

Upward mobility—the capacity to improve one's socioeconomic status—is key to realizing the American dream of a long, prosperous, and happy life, Yale researchers say. In a new study, they found a strong relationship between ...

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