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Image: Enceladus and its paper-thin crust

Of all the icy moons in the Solar System, Saturn's moon Enceladus is probably the 'hottest' when measured for its potential to host life. Despite its distance from Earth, it may also be the easiest to investigate.

Dual Drill Designed for Jupiter’s Europa Ice

NASA and the European Space Agency are sending a mission to study Jupiter and its moon Europa in 2020. There may be life in the moon’s ocean, but to find out a mission will have to be able to drill down through the overlying ...

Acidic Europa may eat away at chances for life

The ocean underneath the icy shell of Jupiter's moon Europa could be too acid to support life, due to compounds that may regularly migrate downward from its surface, researchers find.

ALMA maps Europa's temperature

Jupiter's icy moon Europa has a chaotic surface terrain that is fractured and cracked, suggesting a long-standing history of geologic activity.

Mapping the chemistry needed for life at Europa

( —A new paper led by a NASA researcher shows that hydrogen peroxide is abundant across much of the surface of Jupiter's moon Europa. The authors argue that if the peroxide on the surface of Europa mixes into the ...

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