Explained: Monte Carlo simulations

Speak to enough scientists, and you hear the words 'Monte Carlo' a lot. "We ran the Monte Carlos," a researcher will say. What does that mean?

Research sheds light on the moon's dark craters

The next wave of robots to fly to Mars in 2020 could offer scientists an unprecedented understanding of Earth's closest neighboring planet. But there are still mysteries to be solved much closer to home, on Earth's own moon.

Lost in space? Just use relativity

One of the hardest things for many people to conceptualize when talking about how fast something is going is that they must ask, "Compared to what?" All motion only makes sense from a frame of reference, and many spacecraft ...

Swift gamma-ray bursts—a 3D step toward standard candles

A new way to use the most powerful explosions in the Universe to calibrate its expansion has been developed by a team of researchers (Sergey Postnikov, Xavier Hernandez from Institute of Astronomy , UNAM, and Michal Ostrowski ...

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