New polymer mesophase structure discovered

Polymers, large molecules made up of repeating smaller molecules called monomers, are found in nearly everything we use in our day-to-day lives. Polymers can be natural or created synthetically. Natural polymers, also called ...

Self-templating, solvent-free supramolecular polymer synthesis

A polymer that catalyzes its own formation in an environmentally friendly solvent-free process has been developed by an all-RIKEN team of chemists. The discovery could lead to the development of inherently recyclable polymer ...

Controlling the length of supramolecular polymers

Systems made up of one supramolecular polymer are well understood, but much remains unknown for systems involving the combination of multiple supramolecular polymers, such as what affects the length of the resulting copolymers. ...

New method to solve the plastics sustainability problem

Plastics sustainability has come a long way in recent years thanks in large part to scientific advances. But even as plastics become more and more environmentally friendly, the world continues to be polluted as many industries ...

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