FDA approves monoclonal antibody to treat arthritis in cats

Arthritis can keep a cat from doing many of the things that kitties love to do. But now there's hope: The first treatment to ease arthritis pain in cats has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Study rewrites dogma of adenovirus infection and double-stranded RNA

Challenging the dogma of what scientists thought they understood about DNA viruses, a team of researchers led by Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) has shown that adenovirus uses its own efficient RNA splicing mechanisms ...

18 of 20 gorillas at Atlanta's zoo have contracted COVID

At least 18 of the 20 gorillas at Atlanta's zoo have now tested positive for COVID-19, an outbreak that began just days before the zoo had hoped to obtain a veterinary vaccine for the primates, officials said Tuesday.

Team isolates antibodies that target alphaviruses

A multi-institutional team led by researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center has isolated monoclonal antibodies that in laboratory and animal studies prevented infection by alphaviruses, including the often-lethal ...

New therapy target for malignant melanomas in dogs

There are a number of cancers that affect dogs, but there are far fewer diagnosis and treatment options for these canine cancers. However, as dogs and humans are both mammals, it is likely that strategies and treatments for ...

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