Rare pheasant snapped in Sumatra

Following on from the three-day camera trapping workshop which produced images of the unusual golden form of collared mongoose the Fauna & Flora International (FFI) Aceh team have made another scoop – this time the rarely ...

Rare golden mongoose found in Aceh

A recent short training session for community rangers conducted by Fauna & Flora International (FFI) in the Jantho Wildlife Reserve, Aceh, produced a surprise result.

Rapid venom evolution in pit vipers may be defensive

Research published recently in PLoS One delivers new insight about rapid toxin evolution in venomous snakes: pitvipers such as rattlesnakes may be engaged in an arms race with opossums, a group of snake-eating American marsupials. ...

Being a dominant breeder is costly for female banded mongooses

There's a subtle hierarchy among the women in banded mongoose societies: only older females get to breed, while younger ones have to wait their turn. If a young female mongoose decides to buck this trend, she risks the wrath ...

Mongooses pass traditions on to their young, too

For the passing on of traditions, it appears that an especially big brain isn't required. A new report published online on June 3rd in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, shows that even mongooses in the wild carry ...

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