18-qubit entanglement sets new record

Physicists have experimentally demonstrated 18-qubit entanglement, which is the largest entangled state achieved so far with individual control of each qubit. As each qubit has two possible values, the 18 qubits can generate ...

How do you weigh a galaxy? Especially the one you're in?

A new technique for estimating the mass of galaxies promises more reliable results, especially when applied to large datasets generated by current and future surveys, according to a research team led by Ekta Patel at the ...

Easing uncertainty

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the fundamental impossibility of simultaneously measuring properties such as position and momentum, is at the heart of quantum theory. Physicists at ETH Zurich have now demonstrated an ...

Two dimensional circuit with magnetic quasi-particles

Whether smart phone, computer or dialysis machine – there is no electronic device without chips and their electronic components inside. The individual circuit elements are therefore often wired using three dimensional so ...

Bitcoin sell-off picks up steam

A bitcoin sell-off that began at the beginning of the week is gaining momentum, with a quarter of its value evaporating in just the past 24 hours.

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