Molecular biologists travel back in time 3 billion years

A research group working at Uppsala University has succeeded in studying 'translation factors' – important components of a cell's protein synthesis machinery—that are several billion years old. By studying these ancient ...

New research reveals how genes turn on and off

Yeast, that simple organism essential to making beer and bread, has revealed for Cornell University researchers a key mechanism in how genes are controlled.

Regulating the ribosomal RNA production line

The enzyme that makes RNA from a DNA template is altered to slow the production of ribosomal RNA (rRNA), the most abundant type of RNA within cells, when resources are scarce and the bacteria Escherichia coli needs to slow ...

To get the full story you need to know the motifs

Genome sequencing alone provides researchers with only limited information on the organism works because it neither reveals how the system is regulated nor does it indicate the role of each specific DNA sequence or RNA transcript. ...

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