Curtin collision models impact the future of energy

A new Curtin University-created database of electron-molecule reactions is a major step forward in making nuclear fusion power a reality, by allowing researchers to accurately model plasmas containing molecular hydrogen.

Visualizing every step of on-surface cycloaddition reactions

By observing individual atoms as they rearrange themselves step by step, chemists at RIKEN have cast new light on the route by which halogenated aromatic molecules join together on a silver surface1. These insights promise ...

Better chemistry through tiny antennae

A research team at The University of Tokyo has introduced a powerful method for actively breaking chemical bonds using excitations in tiny antennae created by infrared lasers. This process may have applications throughout ...

A study describes the reaction mechanism of DNAzymes

A study from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) has published a study in the journal Nature Catalysis that describes the reaction mechanism used by the DNAzyme 9DB1, the first structurally available ...

A closed cage-like molecule that can be opened

Researchers at Kanazawa University and the University of Tsukuba report in Chemistry – A European Journal the synthesis of a closed molecular cage with areas that can be opened. The opening is achieved through chemical ...

Molecular machine exploits motion in a single direction

Life is driven by molecular machines. Found in every cell, these tiny motors convert chemical energy into work to keep the body moving. The invention of synthetic molecular machines, which perform similar jobs to power miniaturized ...

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