New hope for advances in treating malaria

Researchers at the University of Leeds have developed chemicals which kill the most deadly malaria-causing parasite, Plasmodium falciparum - including those resistant to existing drugs.

A multidisciplinary approach to advancing drug development

By drawing together expertise from across a range of fields, the Eindhoven University of Technology's Institute for Complex Molecular Systems is on the verge of a breakthrough that could have significant implications for ...

Exploring the molecular secrets of medicinal cannabis

Chronic pain, nausea or vomiting due to chemotherapy. If you suffer from such ailments, medicinal cannabis can be a godsend. Though a downside is that it can make patients high. Therefore, Leiden researchers from the Oncode ...

Searching for better ways to treat prostate disorders

Innovative new technology has been used to identify and profile a novel combination of proteins that may improve treatment for prostate disorders. The study will be published in the April 13th 2012 edition of the Journal ...

New technique enables study of 'challenging' proteins

Researchers from Hull, Bristol and Frankfurt have shown that a new technique for identifying molecular structure can be used effectively on small samples of biological proteins, particularly proteins that are targeted for ...

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