A short cut to billion dollar drugs

(Phys.org)—Scientists have found a highly efficient method of making hormone-based drugs which could generate billions of sales for the pharmaceutical industry.

Searching for better ways to treat prostate disorders

Innovative new technology has been used to identify and profile a novel combination of proteins that may improve treatment for prostate disorders. The study will be published in the April 13th 2012 edition of the Journal ...

A realistic look at the promises and perils of nanomedicine

Is the emerging field of nanomedicine a breathtaking technological revolution that promises remarkable new ways of diagnosing and treating diseases? Or does it portend the release of dangerous nanoparticles, nanorobots or ...

New technique enables study of 'challenging' proteins

Researchers from Hull, Bristol and Frankfurt have shown that a new technique for identifying molecular structure can be used effectively on small samples of biological proteins, particularly proteins that are targeted for ...

Soft drink could enhance effects of an anti-cancer drug

Experiments with an artificial stomach suggest that a popular lemon-lime soft drink could play an unexpected role in improving the effectiveness of an oral anticancer drug. The experiments produced evidence that patients ...

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