Generating stable qubits at room temperature

A group of researchers reports that they have achieved quantum coherence at room temperature, which is the ability of a quantum system to maintain a well-defined state over time without getting affected by surrounding disturbances

Researchers design switch-like proteins inspired by transistors

Scientists from the University of Washington have designed custom proteins that can switch between two fully structured conformations. By coupling this molecular motion with a binding event, these proteins serve as biological ...

Theory can sort order from chaos in complex quantum systems

It's not easy to make sense of quantum-scale motion, but a new mathematical theory developed by scientists at Rice University and Oxford University could help—and may provide insight into improving a variety of computing, ...

Researchers reveal structure and function of a molecular motor

Molecular motors are complex devices composed of many different parts that consume energy to perform various cellular activities. In short, molecular machines transform energy into useful work. Understanding the mechanistical ...

Boxing up molecular machines

Machines that are confined inside a cage or casing exhibit interesting properties by converting input energy into programmed functions. One such system is the mechanical gyroscope or gyrotop, a fascinating toy that amuses ...

Mobile molecular robots swim in water

Creating molecular microrobots that mimic the abilities of living organisms is a dream of nanotechnology, as illustrated by the renowned physicist Richard Feynman. There are a number of challenges in achieving this goal. ...

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