Cell types in the eye have ancient evolutionary origins

Karthik Shekhar and his colleagues raised a few eyebrows as they collected cow and pig eyes from Boston butchers, but those eyes—eventually from 17 separate species, including humans—are providing insights into the evolution ...

Metamaterials and origamic metal-organic frameworks

Origami is a paper folding process usually associated with child's play mostly to form a paper-folded crane, yet it is, as of recently a fascinating research topic. Origami-inspired materials can achieve mechanical properties ...

Threefold coordinated germanium proved in GeO₂ melt

According to a study published in Nature Communications, threefold coordinated germanium has been proved for the first time in a germanium dioxide (GeO2) melt, potentially resolving the long-standing debate about the structure ...

Molecular rulers for high-resolution microscopy

There is good news for researchers working with high-resolution fluorescence microscopy: Biocompatible molecular rulers are available for the first time to calibrate the latest super-resolution microscopy methods.

Novel approaches for correcting gene expression insufficiency

A new molecular technology capable of binding to mRNA and regulating gene expression may offer a new avenue for treating diseases caused by haploinsufficiency, or the absence of one functional gene copy, according to a study ...

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