Peering into precise ultrafast dynamics in matter

A team of researchers from Beijing led by Prof. Dr. Sheng Meng has succeeded in developing predictive first-principles approaches for investigating precise ultrafast processes in matter. The method, named TDAP  (time-dependent ...

Studying the world's largest T. rex to learn about evolution

Scotty, the world's largest T. rex, has captured the public's attention since it was discovered in Saskatchewan in 1991. Now, researchers from the University of Regina (UofR) and the Royal Saskatchewan Museum (RSM) are taking ...

Roadmap for finding new functional porous materials

The discovery of new structures holds tremendous promise for accessing advanced functional materials in energy and environmental applications. Although cage-based porous materials, metal-organic polyhedra (MOPs), are attracting ...

Root symbiosis is regulated through nutrient status of plants

Phosphorus is one of the most important nutrients for plants. Among other functions, it is needed to create substances for the plant's immune system, for the healthy development of seeds and for root growth. A team of researchers ...

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