Researchers succeed in light-controlled molecule switching

Scientists at the University of Konstanz and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) are working on storing and processing information on the level of single molecules to create the smallest possible components that ...

Researchers make magnetic graphene

Graphene, a one-atom thick sheet of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice, has many desirable properties. Magnetism alas is not one of them. Magnetism can be induced in graphene by doping it with magnetic impurities, ...

New research points way to less vulnerable computer memory

(—Have you ever been working on a document on your computer and it suddenly crashes? Maybe the power goes out or there's a software glitch that causes it to freeze and you lose everything you've been working on ...

Electronic switches on the molecular scale

A molecular electronic switch is a junction created from individual molecules that can alternate between two or more stable states, making the switch act as a conductor or an insulator. These switches show promise for future ...

Cohesin molecule safeguards cell division

The cohesin molecule ensures the proper distribution of DNA during cell division. Scientists at the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) in Vienna can now prove the concept of its carabiner-like function by visualizing ...

Physicists propose molecular clock to expose new physics

( —A trio of researchers from Germany, Bulgaria and Russia has proposed the idea of using a molecular clock to determine if the electron-proton mass ratio changes over time. In their paper published in Physical ...

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