Sustainable chemistry at the quantum level

Developing catalysts for sustainable fuel and chemical production requires a kind of Goldilocks Effect—some catalysts are too ineffective while others are too uneconomical. Catalyst testing also takes a lot of time and ...

Water molecules are gold for nanocatalysis

Nanocatalysts made of gold nanoparticles dispersed on metal oxides are very promising for the industrial, selective oxidation of compounds, including alcohols, into valuable chemicals. They show high catalytic activity, particularly ...

A race to solve the COVID protein puzzle

Among the many unknown factors in the science of COVID-19, one involves the structures of the proteins that make up the exterior of the coronavirus. A coronavirus particle has multiple proteins, including the familiar spiky ...

Molecular simulations show how drugs block key receptors

Many pharmaceuticals work by targeting what are known as 'G-protein-coupled receptors.' In a new study, scientists from Uppsala University describe how they have been able to predict how special molecules that can be used ...

Newly identified gene reduces pollen number of plants

Producing fewer sperm cells can be advantageous in self-fertilizing plants. An international study led by the University of Zurich identified a gene in the model plant Arabidopsis that reduces the amount of pollen. In addition ...

Breakthrough in molecular machines

Molecules are some of life's most basic building blocks. When they work together in the right way, they become molecular machines that can solve the most amazing tasks. They are essential for all organisms by, for example, ...

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