A new evergreen species of Rhamnaceae found in Guangxi

Rhamnella in the family of Rhamnaceae is a small genus. To date, 10 species have been accepted into this genus. In field investigations, researchers from the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical garden (XTBG) found two Rhamnella ...

Breakthrough in molecular machines

Molecules are some of life's most basic building blocks. When they work together in the right way, they become molecular machines that can solve the most amazing tasks. They are essential for all organisms by, for example, ...

Catch-22 in graphene based molecular devices resolved

The conductivity of Graphene has made it a target for many researchers seeking to exploit it to create molecular scale devices and now a research team jointly led by University of Warwick and EMPA have found a way past a ...

For bacteria, the neighbors co-determine which cell dies first

Bacteria do not simply perish in hunger phases fortuitously; rather, the surrounding cells have a say as well. A research team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has now discovered that two factors, above all, ...

Scientists use egg whites for clean energy production

Researchers from the Osaka City University in Japan have developed a way to use egg whites as a substrate to produce a carbon-free fuel. They published their results on February 2nd in Applied Catalysis B.

Breakthrough brings futuristic electronics a step nearer

When researchers dream about electronics of the future, they more or less dream of pouring liquids into a beaker, stirring them together and decanting a computer out onto the table. This field of research is known as self-assembling ...

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