Scientists 'spray paint' cells to reveal secret genes

Many of the thousands of proteins that help our cells grow and function remain undiscovered, especially the tiniest ones that occupy what some Yale scientists are calling the "dark matter" of our genome.

Using bacteria to accelerate CO2 capture in oceans

You may be familiar with direct air capture, or DAC, in which carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere in an effort to slow the effects of climate change. Now a scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley ...

Unique X-ray microscope reveals dazzling 3-D cell images

The planet comprises continents and islands, each with unique cultures and resources. One area may be well known for growing food, another for manufacturing building materials, and yet despite their differences and distance ...

Study gains new insight into bacterial DNA packing

When bacteria are put in different environments, such as one that is more acidic or anaerobic, their genes start to adapt remarkably quickly. They're able to do so because the proteins making up their chromosome can pack ...

New material allows for unprecedented imaging deeper in tissues

A team from the Department of Chemistry has established an approach for the creation of a metal-organic framework material that provides new perspectives for the sensitization of near-infrared luminescent lanthanide ions, ...

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