OSU solar vehicle wins Formula Sun Grand Prix

(Phys.org) —In bright sun and 105-degree heat, the solar vehicle team at Oregon State University drove "The Phoenix" last week to victory in the 2013 Formula Sun Grand Prix competition in Austin, Texas – 193 laps, or ...

Image: Simulating space for JWST's four infrared instruments

Building a space telescope is no mean feat. Conditions here on Earth are drastically different from those experienced in orbit around our planet. How do we know that any telescope built in our controlled laboratories can ...

Rockets for education

Why rockets are so captivating is not exactly rocket science. Watching a chunk of metal defy the forces of gravity satisfies many a human's wish to soar through the air and into space.

Panasonic HIT photovoltaic cells demonstrate high PID resistance

Panasonic Corporation today announced that its HIT photovoltaic module's high-level of resistance to potential induced degradation (PID) has been verified by the results of tests conducted within and outside the company. ...

Enhanced 3D chemical imaging with phase-modulation

Understanding complex biological and biomedical systems is greatly aided by 3D imaging, which provides much more detailed information than traditional two-dimensional methods. However, live cell and tissue imaging remain ...

Image: Thermal enclosure for Orion

The Orion spacecraft with European Service Module at NASA's Plum Brook Station. The first Orion will fly farther from Earth on the Artemis I mission than any human-rated vehicle has ever flown before—but first it will undergo ...

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