Designer materials create miniature computer circuits

Scientists at The University of Manchester have discovered a new method of creating optoelectronic circuits using graphene and other 2D materials that are much smaller than their current counterparts.

Record for perovskite/CIGS tandem solar module

Thin-film technologies can dramatically reduce the cost of next-generation solar modules. Whereas their production cost is low, it is in particular the combination of complementary absorber materials in a tandem solar module ...

Trapping single atoms in a uniform fashion

Single neutral atoms trapped individually in optical microtraps are incredibly useful tools for studying quantum physics, as the atoms then exist in complete isolation from the environment. Arrays of optical microtraps containing ...

Image: Cool scene for MetOp-C

A perfect satellite test set-up inside ESA's vast Large Space Simulator chamber – the only thing missing is a satellite.

The enigma machine takes a quantum leap

Researchers at the University of Rochester have moved beyond the theoretical in demonstrating that an unbreakable encrypted message can be sent with a key that's far shorter than the message—the first time that has ever ...

Promising drug leads identified to combat heart disease

Using a unique computational approach to rapidly sample, in millisecond time intervals, proteins in their natural state of gyrating, bobbing, and weaving, a research team from UC San Diego and Monash University in Australia ...

From unconventional laser beams to a more robust imaging wave

Here's the scene: a suspicious package is found in a public place. The police are called in and clear the area. Forced to work from a distance and unable to peer inside, they fear the worst and decide to detonate the package.

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