India's switch to GM food crops hinges on court verdict

Whether India—the world's second-largest producer of staples like rice and wheat as well as fruits and vegetables—finally switches to genetically modified (GM) food crops hinges on litigation currently being fought in ...

How chemical modifications on DNA keep genes silent

Several diseases, including certain types of cancer and some neurodevelopmental conditions, have aberrant patterns of DNA methylation, a chemical modification that regulates gene expression in ways that keep genes in the ...

UK permits development of gene-edited crops in climate fight

Britain's government plans to allow researchers to use gene-editing techniques to develop crops that can increase yields, reduce the need for pesticides and cut greenhouse gas emissions as the U.K.'s exit from the European ...

A new genome assembly for the 'Fielder' wheat cultivar

Wheat is a staple in the diets of numerous cultures. Increasing wheat production efficiency would help feed more people and reduce associated agricultural costs. Genetic engineering has the potential to generate better wheat ...

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