Researchers discover how gene silencing works in plants

The group of Dr. Myriam Calonje Macaya from the University of Seville,and the group of Franziska Turck from the Max Planck Institute have recently published a study in Genome Biology that advances the knowledge of epigenetic ...

Frankenflies sent to defeat Zika

A coalition of the willing has unleashed a surge of Frankenflies at the frontline of the War on Zika. Armed with a genetic payload, the airborne troops will carry out a precision strike against a rogue group of Mozzys that ...

New genetic sensor for DNA methylation discovered

DNA methylation is a process in which a methyl group is attached to the cytosine base of the DNA molecule, and is a major way that DNA is epigenetically marked. Epigenetic modifications can act as on–off switches to regulate ...

YEATS protein potential therapeutic target for cancer

Federal Express and UPS are no match for the human body when it comes to distribution. There exists in cancer biology an impressive packaging and delivery system that influences whether your body will develop cancer or not.

Self-eliminating genes tested on mosquitoes

Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientists have tested a technology to make temporary genetic modifications in mosquitoes. The modifications self-delete over time.

SynBio—democratizing biotechnology?

In the 1970s a group of enthusiasts met at the Homebrew Computer Club in Silicon Valley to share information about DIY construction of computing devices. Members complained that computers would never become commonplace if ...

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