Improving health with the power of purple

Tomato plants, bearing rich purple fruit, line the inside of Biology Professor Zheng-Hui He's lab in the San Francisco State University Greenhouse. The unusually colored plants are the result of He's research, exploring how ...

Growth of biofuel industry hurt by GMO regulations: study

Faster development of the promising field of cellulosic biofuels - the renewable energy produced from grasses and trees - is being significantly hampered by a "deep and thorny regulatory thicket" that makes almost impossible ...

New method for generating human stem cells is remarkably efficient

The ability to efficiently generate patient-specific stem cells from differentiated cells and then reliably direct them to form specialized cells (like neurons or muscle) has tremendous therapeutic potential for replacing ...

Consumer groups push for label for modified salmon

(AP) -- Consumer advocates urged the Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday to ensure that salmon engineered to grow twice as fast as the conventional variety are labeled in the grocery store as genetically modified.

US mulls approval of genetically engineered salmon

US authorities have begun to consider approval for the first time the sale of genetically engineered salmon, a move that some say could open the door to more transgenic animals on American dinner tables.

U of M licenses unique plant protection product

Adapting a chemical used to deliver medicines through the skin, University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) scientist Tom Levar has developed a way to protect plants from browsing by deer and mice by delivering a natural hot pepper ...

Scientists develop new method to identify glycosylated proteins

( -- Various processes in our body are controlled by subsequent changes of proteins. Therefore, the identification of such modifications is essential for the further exploration of our organism. Now, scientists ...

Tomato gene may fend banana against formidable fungus

( -- Proteins from the fungus Cladosporium fulvum, which causes leaf blight in tomato plants, are very similar to the proteins of the fungus Mycosphaerella fijiensis, which causes the much-feared black Sigatoka ...

Tadpoles Used to Rapidly Detect Water Pollution

( -- Research conducted by University of Wyoming Professor Paul Johnson and others demonstrates that genetically modified tadpoles work well as sensitive monitors for rapidly detecting water pollution.

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