Study questions Neandertal inferiority to early modern humans

If you think Neanderthals were stupid and primitive, it's time to think again. The widely held notion that Neanderthals were dimwitted and that their inferior intelligence allowed them to be driven to extinction by the much ...

Neanderthal lineages excavated from modern human genomes

A substantial fraction of the Neanderthal genome persists in modern human populations. A new approach applied to analyzing whole-genome sequencing data from 665 people from Europe and East Asia shows that more than 20 percent ...

Neanderthal genome shows early human interbreeding, inbreeding

The most complete sequence to date of the Neanderthal genome, using DNA extracted from a woman's toe bone that dates back 50,000 years, reveals a long history of interbreeding among at least four different types of early ...

Mysterious ancient human crossed Wallace's Line

Scientists have proposed that the most recently discovered ancient human relatives—the Denisovans—somehow managed to cross one of the world's most prominent marine barriers in Indonesia, and later interbred with modern ...

Out of Africa date brought forward

( —A study on human mitochondrial DNA has led to a new estimate of the time at which humans first began to migrate out of Africa, which was much later than previously thought.

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