Study questions Neandertal inferiority to early modern humans

If you think Neanderthals were stupid and primitive, it's time to think again. The widely held notion that Neanderthals were dimwitted and that their inferior intelligence allowed them to be driven to extinction by the much ...

Did modern humans eat Neanderthals?

Modern humans may have eaten Neanderthals, scientists report in the Journal of Anthropological Sciences this month.

Early hominids ate just about everything

Reconstructions of human evolution are prone to simple, overly-tidy scenarios. Our ancestors, for example, stood on two legs to look over tall grass, or began to speak because, well, they finally had something to say. Like ...

Genetic research reveals Neanderthals could tolerate smoke

The idea that modern humans displaced Neanderthals because they were better protected against toxic smoke components is now under fire. An earlier study that put forward this suggestion has now been refuted by genetic research ...

New ancestor? Scientists ponder DNA from Siberia

( -- An international team of scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig has sequenced ancient mitochondrial DNA from a finger bone found in southern Siberia. The bone is ...

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