Data driven green design

According to a study by the non-profit Environmental and Energy Study Institute, the commercial and residential building sector accounts for 39 percent of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the United States per year, more ...

'Main Street' economic conditions misread by GDP

Traditional gauges of economic activity severely overstate the standard of living as experienced on 'Main Street,' say University of Maryland researchers, who have worked with their state officials to apply a more accurate ...

Online tool boosts ash cloud forecasts

A new online tool for predicting the amount of ash pumped into the atmosphere during a volcanic eruption has been made openly available to scientists around the world.

Monitoring the environment with artificial intelligence

Microorganisms perform key functions in ecosystems, and their diversity reflects the health of their environment. However, they are still largely under-exploited in current biomonitoring programs because they are difficult ...

NASA views our perpetually moving ocean

( -- The swirling flows of Earth's perpetually changing ocean come to life in a new NASA scientific visualization that captures the movement of tens of thousands of ocean currents.

Researchers model 'red snow' algal blooming events

Red snow is a unique phenomenon caused by blooms of red algae that live on the surface of snow. Now, researchers from Japan have developed a model to predict the occurrence of red snow events. In a recent study published ...

Using AI to find rare minerals

A machine learning model can predict the locations of minerals on Earth—and potentially other planets—by taking advantage of patterns in mineral associations. Science and industry seek mineral deposits to both better ...

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