Can different languages be analyzed using the same model?

Spanish and Russian are relatively different languages, even if they historically share a common basis in the Indo-European family. The differences extend to the verbal system. Spanish has inherited a system that is relatively ...

The complex organization of an ant colony

The colonies of social insects are complex systems that are entirely self-organized. Scientists who looked at the demographic, genetic and morphological structure of ant colonies were able to show how this self-organization ...

New algorithm uncovers secrets of cell factories

Drug molecules and biofuels can be made to order by living cell factories, where biological enzymes do the job. Now, researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have developed a computer model that can predict how fast ...

Ecosystem benefits to humanity expected to decline by 9% by 2100

As climate change redistributes terrestrial ecosystems across the globe, the world's natural capital is expected to decrease, causing a 9% loss of ecosystem services by 2100. That's according to a study of natural capital ...

Scientists identify key enzyme in microbial immune system

Imagine a war in which you are vastly outnumbered by an enemy that is utterly relentless - attacking you is all it does. The intro to another Terminator movie? No, just another day for microbes such as bacteria and archaea, ...

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