Sexual conflict: A key to sustaining biodiversity

What factors sustain the diversity of life on our planet? This is the main question surrounding the study of biodiversity, but in spite of significant gains in our understanding of the field, many of the key factors defining ...

Ice-age climate clues unearthed

How cold did Earth get during the last ice age? The truth may lie deep beneath lakes and could help predict how the planet will warm again.Sediments in lake beds hold chemical records of ages past, among them the concurrent ...

Researchers study interactions in molecules using AI

Researchers from the University of Luxembourg, Technische Universität Berlin, and the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society have combined machine learning and quantum mechanics to predict the dynamics and atomic ...

AI speeds up climate computations

Realistic climate simulations require huge reserves of computational power. An LMU study now shows that new algorithms allow interactions in the atmosphere to be modeled more rapidly without loss of reliability.

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