Defying gravity with the Brazil nut effect

Physicists from the University of Utrecht and the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw have observed—for the first time experimentally—the Brazil nut effect in a mixture of charged colloidal particles.

New support for 'intrinsic' charm quarks

A team of researchers with The NNPDF Collaboration has found new evidence to support the theory of "intrinsic" charm quarks. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group describes how they used a machine learning ...

New calculation refines comparison of matter with antimatter

An international collaboration of theoretical physicists—including scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) and the RIKEN-BNL Research Center (RBRC)—has published a new ...

Large Hadron Collider produces first physics results

( -- The first paper on proton collisions in the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) - designed to provide the highest energy ever explored with particle accelerators - is published online this week in the European ...

Tracing the origins of organic matter in Martian sediments

Although Mars presents a barren, dusty landscape with no signs of life so far, its geological features such as deltas, lakebeds, and river valleys strongly suggest a past where water once flowed abundantly on its surface. ...

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