8.7 million mobile customers hacked in S. Korea

South Korean police have arrested two hackers who stole personal data of 8.7 million customers of the nation's second-biggest mobile operator, the company said Sunday.

'Spectrum crunch' may slow US mobile revolution

The United States is bracing for a data crunch from the surging use of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices as the explosion of Internet-ready devices eats up the radio spectrum allocated for mobile broadband.

Revamped Google maps goes offline for mobile (Update)

Google unveiled a revamped maps program Wednesday that allows mobile users to use the service without an Internet connection as the Internet giant geared up for a possible competing service.

Nokia files patent suits against HTC, RIM, ViewSonic

Nokia, one of the world's leading mobile phone makers, said Wednesday it had filed patent infringement lawsuits against mobile phone and electronics groups HTC, RIM and ViewSonic in the United States and Germany.

Ergen lays out Dish Network's 10-year plan

(AP) -- Charlie Ergen, the billionaire who controls Dish Network Corp., has a 10-year plan to transform the satellite TV provider into a one-stop shop for Internet access, video and voice services at home and on the go.

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