Inferring urban travel patterns from cellphone data

In making decisions about infrastructure development and resource allocation, city planners rely on models of how people move through their cities, on foot, in cars, and on public transportation. Those models are largely ...

UK telecoms regulator studies possibility of 5G

(—Minding the need for more and more mobile spectrum in a post-4G environment, Ofcom, the UK telecoms regulator, announced on Friday that it is preparing to support the release of spectrum for future mobile services, ...

Jamming LTE base stations easier than you may think

(—This much everyone knows: As technologies break new ground in speed and performance, mischief-makers also break new ground in finding ways to disrupt. Now an academic research group has warned a U.S. government ...

Sidekick's lost data gone for good

( -- Sidekick users have been without some of their services for days, and have just been told by the company, T-Mobile, that for some users their data may be lost forever due to a server error at Microsoft subsidiary, ...

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