Inferring urban travel patterns from cellphone data

In making decisions about infrastructure development and resource allocation, city planners rely on models of how people move through their cities, on foot, in cars, and on public transportation. Those models are largely ...

Power amplifiers for 5G made of gallium nitride

The wireless data transmission via mobile communication is reliable and affordable. However, data volume per user is rising exponentially. Causes are not only the continuously growing number of smartphones, but also trends ...

Using cellphone data to study the spread of cholera

While cholera has hardly changed over the past centuries, the tools used to study it have not ceased to evolve. Using mobile phone records of 150,000 users, an EPFL-led study has shown to what extent human mobility patterns ...

Moving mobile communication onto the cloud

The EU MOBILE CLOUD NETWORKING project, which was officially completed at the end of April 2016, has effectively integrated domains, cloud computing services and mobile networks in order to provide the canvas upon which Europe's ...

Schumer: Probe billboards using phone data to track shoppers

An outdoor advertising company that owns thousands of billboards across the country, including in Times Square, and around the world, is using mobile phone data to learn about people who are passing their displays in order ...

Peak friendship—data reveals when you'll be most popular

Making friends can seem easy when you're young. You encounter more new people and have more free time when you're first venturing out into the world than when you're more likely to be settled down with a steady job, a long-term ...

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