Mobile apps raise new privacy concerns

Smartphone in hand, you tap into your local application store. You click on a nifty tool that promises to massage your belly and pat your head at the same time. But just as you're about to download it, you decide to click ...

Health monitoring? There's an app for that

Researchers in New Zealand have developed a prototype Bluetooth-enabled medical monitoring device that can be connected wirelessly to your smart phone and keep track of various physiological parameters, such as body temperature, ...

Google rolls out new privacy policy amid howls

Google rolled out a new privacy policy Thursday allowing the firm to track users across various services to develop targeted advertising, despite sharp criticism from US and European consumer advocacy groups.

Telecoms groups fight back against free messaging

Just past the security gate for the world's largest cell phone trade show in Barcelona, executives of big mobile carriers can't avoid walking past a booth they would probably rather not see: It's for "Pinger," a small California ...

Worldwide mobile data traffic to rocket: Cisco

The amount of data sent to or from mobile gadgets around the world annually will rocket to hit the equivalent of 33 billion full-length DVD films by the year 2016, computer networking titan Cisco forecast on Tuesday.

British firms warned of Olympics Internet gaps

British businesses are being warned of possible Internet breakdowns, data caps and "unavoidable" mobile phone problems during the London 2012 Olympics, in official advice from the Games organisers.

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