Apple iOS 8 software bug affects health apps

A bug in Apple's new iOS 8 software for mobile devices is prompting the company to withhold apps that use a highly touted feature for keeping track of fitness and health data.

Cutting congestion on the data network highway

Perhaps no other consumer-driven technology has made such incredible advances in such a relatively short space of time as the mobile phone. Today's smartphones are used to stream videos, access social media and perform all ...

3Qs: Password and cloud security

The recent news that hackers accessed celebrities' cloud accounts and released their intimate photos online has prompted many to question the security of sensitive data stored on people's own smartphones and in the cloud. ...

Protecting privacy also means preserving democracy

What impact does the proliferation of new mobile technologies have? How does the sharing of personal data over the Internet threaten our society? Interview with Professor Jean-Pierre Hubaux, a specialist in communication ...

China Telecom profit rises as mobile data grows

China Telecom Ltd., one of the country's three main state-owned carriers, said Wednesday its profit rose 11.8 percent in the first half of the year as its Internet and mobile data businesses grew.

Fitbit to Schumer: We don't sell personal data

The maker of a popular line of wearable fitness-tracking devices says it has never sold personal data to advertisers, contrary to concerns raised by U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer.

A drone that finds survivors through their phones

A drone makes large circles in the sky. With two powerful antennas, it sniffs the data packets emitted by mobile phones. On the ground, an interface developed specifically for this project makes it possible to track the flight ...

UK govt seeks data retention law after EU verdict (Update)

Concerned after a European court ruled in favor of citizens' right to privacy, Britain's prime minister pledged Thursday to rush through emergency measures to force phone and Internet companies to store call and search records ...

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