Related topics: google

Mobile medical apps risky

( —Possible risks associated with medical staff using mobile devices and software applications (apps) for professional purposes have been raised in a leading study at Monash University.

Lawmaker reveals scale of US mobile data requests

US mobile carriers provided some one million records to law enforcement in 2012 related to warrants, wiretaps, location data and "cell-tower dumps," documents released by a US senator showed.

Enhancing security in Apple devices

A*STAR's Institute for Infocomm Research has helped to fix three security weaknesses in Apple's iOS mobile operating system.

More secure app store for Android

Apps. Everyone has them and everyone uses them. These small computer programs installed on our smartphones and tablet computers make work and play easier. With just the tip of a finger on the square icons, we know where and ...

Get dialed in on how to safeguard your smartphones

Remember the sneaky trick played by software makers? Download a free program and somehow it would automatically install an unwanted "search toolbar" on your computer's Internet browser. That annoying ploy hasn't disappeared ...

Russia home to text message fraud "cottage industry"

Researchers have discovered that bilking people by infecting Android mobile phones with viruses has become a cottage industry in Russia in a criminal model that could be replicated elsewhere.

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