SwRI launches Robot Operating System-Industrial Consortium

Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) is launching a cooperative research consortium to accelerate the development of ROS-Industrial, an open-source extension of ROS focused on the needs of industrial users.

Amazon profit plunges on acquisition cost

Online retail titan Amazon said its profit in the past quarter plunged 96 percent, with the cost of buying a robotics firm hurting already weak results.

NRL designs robot for shipboard firefighting

(PhysOrg.com) -- In both war and peacetime scenarios, fire in the shipboard environment is serious and frequently results in excessive damage and high repair costs because the fire is not detected or controlled adequately. ...

Robot reconnoiters uncharted terrain

Mobile robots have many uses. They serve as cleaners, carry out inspections and search for survivors of disasters. But often, there is no map to guide them through unknown territory. Researchers have now developed a mobile ...

High-tech robotic spider for hazardous missions

Spiders are very agile, and some can even jump. They owe this capability to their hydraulically operated limbs. Researchers have now designed a mobile robot modeled on the same principle that moves spider legs. Created using ...

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