Night owls have larger social networks than early birds

Using anonymous mobile phone data, Aalto University doctoral researcher Talayeh Aledavood has tapped into patterns in people's behaviour. She has found out that individual 'chronotypes,' the inherent periods of sleep during ...

Malaysia probes leak of 46 mn phone users' data

Malaysia is investigating an attempt to sell details of more than 46 million mobile phone subscribers that were leaked online in a massive data breach, a minister said Wednesday.

Internet, social media back in Ethiopia after block

Ethiopia re-activated cellphone data services and unexpectedly allowed access to social media sites that had been blocked since a wave of anti-government protests last year, a government spokesman told AFP on Thursday.

Humanitarian efforts could be aided by AI

Researchers have developed an AI algorithm to accurately predict the gender of pre-paid mobile phone users, which could be useful in crises.

Phonemakers focus on flicks on the fly

The mobile phone industry is racing to improve its ability to deliver content as the popularity of watching TV series and films on small screens surges, forcing a shift in focus for the sector.

Mobile phone and satellite data to map poverty

An international team has, for the first time, developed a way of combining anonymised data from mobile phones and satellite imagery data to create high resolution maps to measure poverty.

Alibaba, China Mobile announce development partnership

Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba and the country's biggest phone carrier, China Mobile, announced a partnership Wednesday to develop internet-related services as web users migrate to mobile devices.

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